Leighton - Build as a service

Build as a service
Bring your ideas to life, quickly.

From concept to completion, our software delivery team will craft your solution using Agile methodologies to ensure rapid iterations, continuous collaboration, and a responsive approach that adapts to your evolving needs.


Faster time-to-market

Bring your ideas to life quickly

time to market icon
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time to market icon
Faster time-to-market

Bring your ideas to life quickly with a speed-to-market advantage that ensures that your solutions stay competitive.


Cost-efficient scalability

Scale your development capacity

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Cost efficient icon
Cost-efficient scalability

Scale your development capacity without the need for extensive in-house resources.


End-to-end delivery

From discovery and scoping to engineering and support

End to end icon
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End to end icon
End-to-end delivery

From discovery and scoping through to engineering and support, we look after the entire software development lifecycle, ensuring coordination, accountability, and successful project delivery.


Access specialised skills

Get access to a broader range of specialised skills

Specialised skills icon
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Specialised skills icon
Access specialised skills

Get access to a broader range of specialised skills that may not be readily available in your business.


Delivery on time & on budget

We ensure that your project remains on track and on time

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On time icon
Delivery on time & on budget

We're experienced in navigating potential challenges, ensuring that your project remains on track and on time, within scope and budget, and meets quality standards.

Leighton guarantee
Turn your ideas into reality with a proof of concept in just 12 weeks.

Leighton logo
Colleague in quiet space, presenting product to client on call.

Our process
Our process is The Path.

We created it so we can deliver your goals rapidly and at the highest quality.

Planning, analysis & discovery

Your software development journey begins with PAD, where we invest time upfront to gain a deep understanding of your business, your requirements and your objectives. At this stage, we are meticulously planning and analysing to define the project scope, gather business and user requirements, evaluate feasibility and establish a shared vision. This phase serves as the foundation for your software solution.

Team fostering creativity and collaboration in an idea generation session.

Define requirements

Here we distil the insights gathered from PAD into a clear roadmap. Crafting a comprehensive software requirement specification (SRS), we outline your software's intricacies and requirements, serving as a blueprint for the development team. At this stage we consider functional and non-functional requirements, system requirements, UX, UI and branding and any limitations or constraints.

Two colleagues strategising to resolve an issue together in a collaborative manner.


At this stage, we architect your software's blueprint, outlining not just its technical aspects but also creating engaging user experiences. Through software design documents (SDD), prototypes, and user stories, we breathe life into your vision, ensuring a design that's both functional and provides a great UX.

Colleagues engaged in a creative discussion, exploring design concepts and refining ideas.


Guided by Agile principles, we build your software with precision and efficiency. Detailed sprints and milestones map the course, ensuring a steady progression towards a final product that encapsulates innovation, reliability, and adaptability. Time-bound iterations allow us to adapt to changing requirements, embrace your feedback and swiftly pivot when necessary. This iterative approach to software development enables us to deliver valuable increments of software frequently.

Software engineers engaged in discussion at their workspace, collaborating to resolve an issue.


Quality is non-negotiable, and in the testing phase, we rigorously validate every element of your software. Leveraging a robust QA process and a seamless CI/CD pipeline, we ensure that your software not only meets but exceeds expectations. From alpha testing to customer-involved beta testing, quality assurance is paramount.

Team engrossed in their tasks and focused on achieving their goals.


In the deployment phase, we orchestrate a seamless release, coupled with comprehensive technical documentation and product demos. A technical handover ensures a smooth transition, marking the official launch of your bespoke solution.

Conducting meticulous checks to guarantee smooth functionality and performance.


Beyond deployment, our commitment extends into the maintenance phase. We stand by your side, offering ongoing support, addressing issues promptly, and implementing updates or enhancements. As your business evolves, we ensure your software remains a dynamic, responsive ally, adapting to changing needs and technologies.

Colleague focusing intently in a quiet workstation.
Team fostering creativity and collaboration in an idea generation session.
Two colleagues strategising to resolve an issue together in a collaborative manner.
Colleagues engaged in a creative discussion, exploring design concepts and refining ideas.
Software engineers engaged in discussion at their workspace, collaborating to resolve an issue.
Team engrossed in their tasks and focused on achieving their goals.
Conducting meticulous checks to guarantee smooth functionality and performance.
Colleague focusing intently in a quiet workstation.

The Path
Why does it work?

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It’s predictable

Measuring the delivery team’s velocity ensures we can accurately predict timeframes for the remaining roadmap.

It’s personal

It brings the right people, skills and technology together at the right time for your unique solution.

It ensures quality

Automated testing at multiple layers of the solution, continuous code reviews and a culture of quality ensure a high quality solution.

It’s transparent

You know where we are on your product roadmap at all times.

Continuously improves

As we focus on the team and processes as well as the end-product, everything improves, all of the time.

It’s pragmatic

Delivering continuously and together ensures we are always fixing the most important problems.

It is iterative development

Releasing frequently ensures user feedback happens quickly and product direction can evolve based on feedback.

Agile delivery, as standard.

At the heart of Agile delivery is a Scrum team approach. We approach all of our build as a service projects with a Scrum team to ensure iterative and incremental delivery through constant feedback and collaborative decision-making.

Scrum fixes time and costs to control requirements using collaborative ceremonies, time boxes, frequent feedback cycles and a prioritised product back log.

Scrum team

Product Owner

Scrum Master icon

Scrum Master

Business Analyst icon

Business Analyst

Solutions Architect icon

Solutions Architect

UX Designer icon

UX/UI Designers

Software Engineers icon

Software Engineers

QA Engineers icon

QA Engineers

Specialists in

AWS logo.


Our experts are experienced in a wide range of programming languages and frameworks across the full software development lifecycle.

Web technologies, frameworks & libraries


Testing & quality

Cloud / Infrastructure

Database management systems (DBMS), data storage & reporting

Mobile app development

Reporting / Data analysis

CI / CD tools

Our capabilities
Critical capabilities, covering the entire software development lifecycle.

From creating the user experience to building serverless infrastructure and functionality, our software development capabilities span front-end and back-end development, and our experts are experienced in a wide range of programming languages and frameworks.

AI & machine learning icon

AI & machine learning

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AWS services

Business analysis icon

Business analysis

UX icon

UX / UI design

API icon

APIs & integration

Solution architecture icon

Solution & severless architecture

QA icon

Quality engineering & assurance

Platform engineering icon

Software, product & platform engineering

Accessibility icon

Design systems & accessibility

Agile icon

Agile delivery

Cloud icon

Cloud modernisation & replatforming

Application modernisation icon

Application modernisation & replatforming

Our work

Tablet and smartphone showcasing the user interface and functionality on different devices.

Testing market viability with an MVP in 20 weeks


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HC-One login screen, ready for user authentication and access to the platform's services.

Streamlining access to apps with a single sign-on solution


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Equans login screen, ready for user authentication and access to the platform's services.

Scaling SLAM portal invocations by over 1000%


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Sister companies
We practice what we preach.

For over 31 years, Leighton has served as a hub for innovation, not only in building successful software applications for some of the world’s biggest brands, but in generating business ideas and creating innovative companies that now operate on a global scale.

4projects logo
Communicator logo
Domian-names logo
footy.com logo
Salecycle logo
WorkCast logo
A colleague sitting in front of a laptop, diligently taking notes.

Embedded experts

Seamlessly integrate our experts into your existing team or full delivery teams into your business to accelerate your project delivery capabilities. Our software development experts cover the entire software development lifecycle and are experienced in a wide range of programming languages and frameworks.

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